JULIAN G. KU EDUCATION J.D. 1998 B.A. 1994 Maurice A. Deane School of Law Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549 (516) 463-4237 Julian.G.Ku@hofstra.edu Yale Law School, New Haven, CT Yale University, New Haven, CT PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 9/14 – Present Maurice A. Deane Distinguished Professor of Constitutional Law & Faculty Director of International Programs Maurice A. Deane School of Law, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY Classes Taught: ● Business Organizations ● Contracts ● Constitutional Law ● International Business Transactions ● International Commercial Arbitration ● Introduction to the U.S. Legal System ● Law of International Trade ● Transnational Law (first year) Committees ● Strategic Planning Committee ● Faculty Appointments Committee (Chair in 2009-10, 2011-12). ● Diversity Committee ● Dean’s Search Committee (2012) International Programs ● Oversee recruitment, admission, and curriculum for American Legal Studies LL.M students ● Oversee study abroad programs in Pisa, Italy, Curacao, and Cuba. ● Manage and supervise Law School’s relationships with foreign universities and institutions, including exchange student programs. 1 5/14-8/14 9/10 – 8/14 1/11-7/11 9/08-9/10 8/02-8/08 8/06-1/07 10/00- 8/02 9/99-8/00 9/98-9/99 Visiting Scholar and Taiwan Fellowship Grantee , National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Professor of Law Maurice A. Deane School of Law, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer in Law and Grantee East China University of Law and Politics, Shanghai, China Professor of Law & Associate Dean for Faculty Development Hofstra University School of Law, Hempstead, NY Associate Professor of Law Hofstra University School of Law, Hempstead, NY Visiting Assistant Professor of Law College of William and Mary Marshall-Wythe School of Law, Williamsburg, VA Associate , International Disputes Resolution Group, Debevoise & Plimpton , New York, NY • P ractice areas include general commercial law, mergers and acquisitions law, securities law, and international commercial arbitration, and public international law Lecturer in Law and Olin Fellow University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, VA Judicial Clerk , The Hon. Jerry E. Smith, U.S. Court of Appeals , Fifth Circuit, Houston, TX OTHER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 5/97-8/97 Summer Associate , Freshfields, Beijing, China and Hong Kong 9/94-8/95 English Teacher , Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China MEMBERSHIPS American Law Institute (elected 2014) New York Bar (2001) 2 PUBLICATIONS Monograph: TAMING GLOBALIZATION: INTERNATIONAL LAW, THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER (with John Yoo) (Oxford University Press, 2012). Law Reviews: Perceptions and Reality: The Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in China , 32 UCLA PACIFIC BASIN LAW JOURNAL (forthcoming Spring 2016) (with Roger Alford and Bei Xiao). Dispute Settlement and Article III: The Constitutional Case Against U.S. Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea , 24 MINN. J. INTL. L. (forthcoming Winter 2016). Bond, the Treaty Power, and the Overlooked Value of Non-Self-Executing Treaties , 90 NOTRE DAME L. REV. 1607(2015) (with John Yoo). Striking the Right Balance Between Sovereign Debt Impunity and Market Chaos: Argentina and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act , 36 U. PA. J. INT’L L 433 (2015). Kiobel and the Surprising Death of Universal Jurisdiction Under the Alien Tort Statute , 107 AM. J. INT’L L. 835 (2013). The People’s Republic of China and the Enforcement of ICSID Awards, 6 CONTEMPORARY ASIA ARBITRATION JOURNAL 31 (Spring 2013). Globalization and Sovereignty , 31 BERKELEY JOURNAL OF INT’L L. 210 (2013) (with John Yoo). China and the Future of International Adjudication , 25 MARYLAND J. INT’L L . 154 (2012). Rethinking the Alien Tort Statute, 100 GEO. L. J. 2217 (2012). The Limits of Corporate Rights Under International Law, 12 CHI. J. INT’L L 729 (2012). Globalization and Structure , 53 WM. & MARY L. REV. 431 (2011) (with John Yoo). The Curious Case of Corporate Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute , 51 VA. J. INT’L L. 353 (2010). “The Future of Presidential Power Will Resemble the Past,” 3 WHITE HOUSE STUDIES (2010). Unitary Executive Theory and Exclusive Presidential Powers, 12 U. PENN. J. CONST. L. 615 (2010) (symposium essay). How System Criminality Could Exacerbate the Weaknesses of International Criminal Law , 8 SANTA CLARA J. OF INT’L L . 365 (2010) (symposium essay). The Wrongheaded and Dangerous Campaign to Criminalize Good Faith Legal Advice, 42 CASE W. RES. J. INT’L L. 449 (2009) (symposium essay). The Prospects for the Peaceful Co-existence of Constitutional and International Law , 119 YALE L. J. ONLINE 15 (2009) Medellin’s Clear Statement Rule: A Solution for International Delegations, 77 FORDHAM L. REV. 609 (2008) (symposium essay) The Crucial Role of the States and Private International Law Treaties: A Model for Accommodating Globalization, 73 MO. L. REV. 1063 (2008) (symposium essay) Sanchez- Llamas v. Oregon : Stepping Back from the New World Court Order , 11 LEWIS & CLARK L. REV. 17 (2007) (symposium essay) Do International Criminal Tribunals Deter or Exacerbate Humanitarian Atrocities ?, 84 W ASH . U. LA W RE V . 777 ( 2006) (with Jide Nzilebe) A No Decision: Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain and the Debate Over the Domestic Status of Customary International Law , 101 AM. SOC’Y INT’L L. PROC . 267 (2007) Hamdan v. Rumsfeld : The Functional Case for Foreign Affairs Deference to the Executive Branch, 23 C ONST . CO MMENT . 179 (Summer 2006) (Faculty Edited) (with John Yoo) Gubernatorial Foreign Policy , 115 Y ALE L. J. 2380 (2006) (symposium article) Ali v. Rumsfeld: Challenging the President’s Power to Interpret Customary International Law , 38 C ASE WE STERN RE S . IN T ’ L L. J. 371 (2006) (symposium essay) Is There an Exclusive Commander-in-Chief Power? , 115 YALE L. J. 4 POCKET PART 84 (March 1, 2006) International Delegations and the New World Court Order, 81 W ASH . L. RE V . 1 (2006) Structural Conflicts in Judicial Interpretations of Customary International Law , 45 S ANTA CL ARA L. RE V . 101 (2005) (symposium essay) The Third Wave: the Alien Tort Statute and the War on Terrorism , 19 E MORY IN T ’L L. RE V . 205 (2005) (symposium essay) Beyond Formalism in Foreign Affairs: A Functional Approach to the Alien Tort Statute , 2005 S UP . CT . RE V . 153 (with John Yoo). (Faculty Edited) Treaties as Laws: A Defense of the Last in Time Rule for Treaties and Federal Statutes , 80 I ND . L. J. 319 (2005) The State of New York Does Exist: How States Control Compliance with International Law , 82 N.C. L. RE V . 457 (2004) Customary International Law in State Courts , 42 V A. J. IN T ’ L L. 265 (2001) The Delegation of Federal Powers to International Organizations: New Problems with Old Solutions , 85 M INN . L. RE V . 71 (2000) Book Chapters “The Benefits of Avoiding Conflicts Between the Constitution and International Law,” in William Dodge, David Sloss, and Michael Ramsey, eds., THE SUPREME COURT AND INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONTINUITY OR CHANGE? (Oxford University Press 2011). “The Unsatisfactory Condition of Customary International Law in the United States”, in Rebecca A. Bratspies and Russell A. Miller, eds., PROGRESS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW (Martinus Nijhoff Press 2008). Other Publications: “ Differing interpretations of international law could spark major naval conflict between the US and China,” Quartz (October 20, 2015) http://qz.com/527865/differing-interpretations-of-international-lawcould-spark-major-naval-conflict-between-the-us-and-china/ “The U.S. Isn’t Challenging China’s Claims in the South China Sea, Yet”, Defenseone (May 29, 2015) 5 http://www.defenseone.com/threats/2015/05/us-isnt-challenging-c hinas-claims-south-china-sea-yet/114043/ “The Philippines’ Massive Lawfare Blunder in the South China Sea,” The National Interest Online (December 11, 2014). http://nationalinterest.org/feature/the-philippines-massive-lawfare-b lunder-the-south-china-sea-11837 “The Supreme Court Misses Its Chance to Limit the Treaty Power,” Forbes.com (June 12, 2014). http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2014/06/12/the-supreme-co urt-misses-its-chance-to-limit-the-treaty-power/ “When Corporate Defendants Play Offense,” The Wall Street Journal A11 (Friday, July 5, 2013) (with George T. Conway III). “The Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Universal Jurisdiction” (April 21, 2013), Forbes.com , (with John Yoo) http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2013/04/21/the-supreme-co urt-unanimously-rejects-universal-jurisdiction/ “A Bigger Concern is the Law of the Sea Treaty” (December 7, 2012), NYTimes.com . http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/12/06/have-treaties -gone-out-of-style/the-senators-are-right-to-worry-about-vague-langu age-in-treaties “ Don’t Cry for Argentina: The World’s Worst Sovereign Deadbeat” (November 30, 2012), Forbes.Com . http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2012/11/30/dont-cry-for-ar gentina-the-worlds-worst-sovereign-deadbeat/ “Online Kiobel symposium: The Alien Tort Statute as a species of extraterritorial U.S. law” (July 16, 2013), SCOTUSBlog.com . http://www.scotusblog.com/2012/07/online-kiobel-symposium-the -alien-tort-statute-as-a-species-of-extraterritorial-u-s-law/ “Treaties shouldn’t trump law,” Houston Chronicle (March 11, 2006), http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/editorial/outlook/3716391. html “Treaties shouldn’t trump U.S. law,” Los Angeles Times B13 (March 8, 2006), http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/ 6 commentary/la-oe-ku8mar08,1,5129382.story “Choosing Between Constitutional and International Law: Why the U.S. Had Good Reason to Ignore the Recent World Court Order,” Writ, FI NDLAW .C OM , February 11, 2003, http://writ.news.findlaw.com/scripts/printer_friendly.pl?page=/co mmentary/20030211_ku.html Weblog: Opinio Juris , A Weblog Dedicated to Reports, Commentary, and Debate on Current Developments and Scholarship in the Fields of International Law and Politics, at www.opiniojuris.org . Contributions can be found at http://opiniojuris.org/author/julianku/ @julianku Twitter: PRESENTATIONS 4/15 War Powers and the Obama Administration, New York City Bar Association, New York, NY 4/15 State Governments, Treaties, and Foreign Affairs, Midwest Regional Meeting, National Association of Attorneys General, Indianapolis, Indiana 3/15 The Bush Administration and National Security, George W. Bush Presidential Conference, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY (moderator) 3/15 The Constitutional Case Against U.S. Ratification of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, The Federalist Society and George Washington University, Washington D.C. 3/15 What the Rise of China Means for International Dispute Settlement: The Philippines-China South China Sea Arbitration as a Case Study, New York City Bar Association, New York, NY 2/15 What the Rise of China Means for International Dispute Settlement: The Philippines-China South China Sea Arbitration as a Case Study, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California 11/14 Bond and the Overlooked Value of Non-Self-Executing Treaties, Notre Dame School of Law, South Bend, Indiana 7 10/14 8/14 8/14 6/14 6/14 3/14 12/13 11/13 11/13 10/13 5/13 11/12 10/12 9/12 7/12 Post-Kiobel Litigation and Prospects, Pepperdine University School of Law, Malibu, California What the Rise of China Means for International Dispute Settlement: The Philippines-China South China Sea Arbitration as a Case Study, Vanderbilt University School of Law What the Rise of China Means for International Dispute Settlement: The Philippines-China South China Sea Arbitration as a Case Study: National Sun-Yat Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The Philippines-China South China Sea Arbitration, National Institute for South China Sea Studies, Haikou, Hainan, China. “Taming Globalization”, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. The Fourth Amendment and Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, Washington D.C. Argentina and U.S. Law Governing Foreign Sovereign Immunity, Cato Institute, Washington D.C. Does the Rise of China Mean the End of International Dispute Resolution Under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, Asian Society of International Law Biennial Conference, New Delhi, India International Law and the U.S. Government’ Decisions to Use Military Force, OP Global Jindal Law School, India Argentina’s Sovereign Debt Litigation and the U.S. Supreme Court, Emerging Markets Trade Association Panel, London, U.K. China and International Law, American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, Washington DC National Security v. International Law, Federalist Society National Lawyer’s Convention, Washington D.C. Taming Globalization, International Law Weekend, American Branch of the International Law Association, New York, NY China and the Enforcement of ICSID Awards, Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei, Taiwan ROC Taming Globalization, Bryant Park, New York 8 6/12 3/12 3/12 11/11 10/11 9/11 6/11 6/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 4/11 4/11 Taming Globalization and the Future of Global Governance, American Enterprise Institute, Washington D.C. “Transnational Human Rights Litigation in State Courts and Under State Law, University of California at Irvine School of Law, Irvine, CA The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act at 35 and its Impact on Global Business, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Corporations and International Law: A Response to Alan Sykes, Georgetown th Law Journal’s 100 Anniversary, Washington D.C. China and the Future of International Adjudication, China, Taiwan, and International Law: Essays in Honor of Professor Hungdah Chiu, University of Maryland School of Law, Baltimore, MD International Law in Crisis, Cox Center, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, OH The Implementation of International Economic Law in the United States, Guangxi University, Nanning, China The False Promise of the Direct Effect of Treaties, International Law Association Asia-Pacific Regional Branch, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. The Implementation of International Economic Law in the United States, Northwest University, Xi’an, China The Implementation of International Economic Law in the United States, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China The Implementation of International Economic Law in the United States, Zhongnan University of Finance and Law, Wuhan, China History and the Study of International Law, American Society for International Law, Teaching International Law Interest Group, Pace University, New York, NY. The Debate Over Judicial Review, Chinese University of Political Scicnce and Law, Beijing, China. Legal Aspects of the United States War on Terrorism, Chinese University of Political Scicnce and Law, Beijing, China. 9 4/11 4/11 3/11 11/10 10/10 6/10 5/10 4/10 3/10 2/10 2/10 1/10 1/10 12/09 Globalization and the U.S. Constitution, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR, China. Globalization and the U.S. Constitution, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR, China. Globalization and the U.S. Constitution, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. The Case Against Corporate Rights Under International Law, American Society of International Law International Economic Law Interest Group, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN The Responsibility to Protect and Sovereign Dignity, American Branch of the International Law Association, International Law Weekend, New York, NY. The Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Transnational Litigation, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Panel, The Manhattan Institute, New York, NY “Kosovo, Palestine, and Declarations of Independence,” Northwestern University Law School, Chicago, IL “The Curious Case of Corporate Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute,” University of Georgia Colloquium on International Law, Athens, GA “Corporate Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute,” Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, Washington D.C. “The Constitution, International Humanitarian Law, and the War on Terrorism,” Justice Action Center, New York Law School, New York, NY “The Obama Administration and the United Nations,” John Bassett Moore Society Annual Symposium, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, VA “The Constitution and U.S. Interrogation Policy,” U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Quantico, VA “The Future of U.S. Interrogation Policy and the Obama Administration,” American Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA “The Curious Case of Corporate Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute,” American Society of International Law, International Law in Domestic Courts Interest Group, University of California Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, CA 10 10/09 10/09 10/09 9/09 9/09 3/09 2/09 4/08 3/08 2/08 2/08 10/07 10/07 3/07 1/07 “The Future of Presidential Power”, Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the Presidency, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY “Transnational Norms and U.S. Sovereignty,” Meeting of the American Branch of the International Law Association, New York, NY Roundtable on “Does the Constitution Follow the Flag? The Evolution of Territoriality in American Law), Temple University Beasley School of Law, Philadelphia, PA “Signing Statements and Challenges to Executive Power,” Meeting of the International Association of Law Schools, Washington DC Accountability for the Torture Memos, Symposium on “After Guantanamo”, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, OH “Deterrence and System Criminality,” Symposium on the Future of International Criminal Law, Santa Clara University Law School, Santa Clara, CA “The Unitary Executive and Exclusive Executive Power”, Symposium on the Unitary Executive, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA “The Difficulties of Constitutional Rights for Extraterritorial Conduct,” Annual Meeting of American Society of International Law, Washington D.C. “The Dangers of Extraterritorial Constitutionalism,” Symposium on the Constitution and National Security, St. Johns Law School, Queens, NY Private International Law Treaties and the Constitution, Symposium on Missouri v. Holland, University of Missouri- Columbia Law School, Columbia, MO “The Case Against Corporate Liability for International Crimes,” Symposium on Grave Breaches of International Law, Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn, NY “Delegations and International Institutions,” Symposium on International Law and the Constitution: Terms of Engagement, Fordham Law School, New York, NY “Corporate Liability for International Crimes,” American Branch of the International Law Association, New York, NY “Customary International Law in the United States”, Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, Washington D.C. “Globalization and the U.S. Constitution”, Globalization Comes Home 11 Conference, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 11/06 8/06 3/06 2/06 2/06 1/06 11/05 10/05 9/05 1/05 1/05 10/04 5/04 12/03 “The Bush Administration and the War on Terrorism”, American Civil Liberties Union, Virginia Chapter, Virginia Beach, VA “Roundtable on International Tribunals,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA “Gubernatorial Foreign Policy,” Symposium on Executive Power, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT “Gubernatorial Foreign Policy,” Lewis and Clark Law School, Portland, OR “The President and the Interpretation of Customary International Law,” Outsourcing of American Law, American Enterprise Institute, Washington D.C. “International Human Rights Treaties and Constitutional Interpretation,” Barnes Symposium on Western and Non Western Views of Human Rights, University of South Carolina Law School, Columbia, SC “The President’s Power to Interpret Customary International Law and the Alien Tort Statute”, Symposium on the 20 th Anniversary of Filartiga v. Pena-Irala, Rutgers-Camden School of Law, Camden, NJ “Torture and the War on Terror,” Symposium on the War on Terrorism, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, OH “International Delegations,” University of San Diego School of Law, San Diego, CA “Structural Tensions in Judicial Interpretation of Customary International Law,” Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, CA “Delegation and the New World Court Order,” International Legal Studies Conference, University of California at Berkeley, Boalt Hall, Berkeley CA “The Third Wave,” Alien Tort Claims after Sosa v. Alvarez Machain , Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, GA Supreme Court in American Politics, “International Human Rights Law in American Courts,” Program in Law and Public Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ “Treaties as Laws,” American Society of International Law Section, International 12 Law in Domestic Courts Workshop, University of Maryland School of Law, Baltimore, MD 12/02 “The State of New York Does Exist,” American Society of International Law Section, International Law in Domestic Courts Workshop, Fordham University, New York, NY 13